


Blessed. How many times during 2017 did you say to yourself or others, "I am so blessed!"? And it is true for each one of us - God's blessing is upon us no matter how many or how few material items we own. All that we have is a gift from God, a grace every day.

On more than one occasion, I have commented how blessed we are to have Wisconsin Lutheran College as a place for our young people to obtain a higher education in a Christian setting. Every time I visit the campus, I am thankful for the students who work so hard in their studies, for the faculty who show Christian love as they mentor students and for the administration that keeps the focus on God with an emphasis on servant leadership.

Through your interest in the Christian Women's Leadership Circle, many of you have supported the young women at WLC with your gifts, either by attending the annual Butterfly Brunch (a portion of your registration fee is a donation to CWLC) and/or by giving a monetary gift sometime during the year. For that, we thank you. Your contributions have an impact on the young women at WLC as we fund scholarships, grants, and partnerships through which the students strengthen their leadership skills while serving God and others.

For some, this is the time to make those new year's resolutions. It is difficult to assess the success of most new year's resolutions, but here is one that I can assure you will be successful in that it will help a young woman grow in spirit and knowledge...

As a fellow Christian woman who believes strongly in supporting young women, I invite you to join me in investing in WLC students by signing up for a monthly gift to the CWLC. It's rather simple to do. Go to Scroll down to "Christian Women's Leadership Circle" and enter the amount you wish to give each month. Then follow the prompts to select your payment option, etc. If you need assistance, please call the WLC Development Office at 414-443-8823.

In that familiar passage in 2 Corinthians, chapter 9 we read, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God can bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

Over the years, we have seen the abundant blessings that have resulted from the support the CWLC gives to WLC female students. Won't you join me in this most rewarding endeavor? Supporting our future Christian female leaders at WLC will enrich their lives and the lives of those they touch for years to come.

Thank you for your past support, and thank you for considering a monthly gift in the new year.

In His service,

Yvonne Quint
2017 CWLC President