A focus on the word "Christian"

Becoming Christian seems far too easy - from a human standpoint. The Holy Spirit does the work of planting heart-faith through baptism. A humble event on our part becomes the new believer’s spiritual starting gate. Living the Christian life is God’s process of growing our faith beyond selfish desires toward God’s holy will.

The letters in CHRISTIAN provide meaning when arranged thusly: CHRIST – IN - A. Christ [lives] in a heart, a mind and a soul of each of his children. His disciples intentionally think, feel and act differently from an unbelieving neighbor. Studying God’s Word and partaking in His sacrament transforms our attitude. God leads us to employ his gifts in love and gratitude to our Heavenly Father. Christians worship regularly. We pray like warriors, experiencing God’s grace and peace in answer to every plea. Although sin looms large in personal troubles and shows itself in disasters everywhere, forgiveness and restoration in Christ is guaranteed because Christ lives in us. Eternal life awaits the Christian because Jesus perfect life conquered death on our behalf. Whenever the media displays John 3:16, people take notice:

A young man once asked me,
“How do I become Christian?”
“Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again,” I answered.
After a thoughtful pause, he replied: “That is too easy.”

God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

These words have impact. ALL of scripture’s words have had this power for centuries. And they continue having relevance and power today. Time on this planet is limited. The darkness of sin’s effect brings death and destruction. BUT: one Light shines through all such despair: our Savior, Jesus. Christians follow this Light because we belong to Christ. Sharing this promise of hope is our job #1.